How To Use ERP Software: Beginner’s Guide

June 10, 2022 How To Use ERP Software: Beginner’s Guide By admin

An efficient business that can keep up with these changes and adapt to them will always be more profitable and successful than those not well managed. That is particularly true for manufacturing companies as they usually have large operations that require a lot of planning and management. Without proper planning and management, these companies may end up experiencing financial losses or even bankruptcy if they are not careful. Besides, manufacturing businesses also need to keep track of their sales and inventory levels to run smoothly. And this is where manufacturing ERP software comes into play.

Types of ERP Software

Here’s a short overview of the most standard types if you’re just getting started.


An on-premise system is one that your company owns and operates itself. It’s installed on your servers and can be accessed from any computer or mobile device with an internet connection. The benefit of on-premise new ERP system software is that it allows you to control your data and secure it in a private network. The downside is that you have to spend on the hardware and software, which can get expensive if you plan to scale up quickly.


Cloud-based ERP is similar to on-premise ERP. But, instead of being installed on your network or dedicated hardware, it is hosted by a third party in the cloud and accessed remotely via a web browser or mobile device app. You don’t have to purchase any hardware or software upfront and can pay only for what you use each month based on usage or subscription fees (often referred to as consumption-based). 

Hybrid Systems 

Hybrid ERP systems are popular among small and midsize businesses because they offer the best of both worlds – on-premise and cloud-based use ERP software & products. This option is ideal for companies that want to maintain control over their data but still want to benefit from cloud-based services like increased scalability and reduced costs.

5 Simple Yet Effective Tips to Use ERP Software

When investing in an ERP solution for your business, review how your company currently operates. It will give you a more useful idea of what features are vital in an ERP program.

Investing in training for your employees is essential to ensure that they can navigate the system and utilize all of its features. In addition, it will help them become more efficient and productive at work, which will ultimately save your business money.

ERPs are designed to integrate with other enterprise applications so that they can share data. You can save time by integrating your ERP with other systems like accounting software or marketing automation tools.

Poor data quality can cause numerous problems within an organization’s ERP system integration. If data isn’t correct, it can cause problems when reporting and analyzing information from different departments or divisions within the company. So, make sure that all of your data is accurate before beginning any kind of process within your ERP software platform.

In Conclusion

The benefit of on-premise use ERP software is that it allows you to control your data and secure it in a private network. Cloud-based ERP software is similar to on-premise ERP. Hybrid ERP systems are popular among small and midsize businesses because they offer the best of both worlds – on-premise and cloud-based ERP products.

To get the find out of your use ERP system software, make sure it fits into how you work by customizing it to meet your needs. You might want to add extra features or remove some that don’t apply to your industry or business model.

Thinking of switching from old-fashioned spreadsheets to a ERP software solutions for your manufacturing business? To schedule your free ERP software demo with Autus Cyber-Tech, call 742-882-4488.

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