ERP System for Electronic Manufacturing Industry

Proximo ERP – The Powerful ERP for Electrical and Electronics Manufacturing to Automates and Streamline Business Operations in a Single Place.

#1 Electronics Manufacturing ERP Software

Exclusively for Electronic Manufacturers in India
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    • All-In-One Management Software
    • Cloud-Based
    • 100% Customizable & Scalable as Per Your Needs
    • Flexible Deployment
    • Simple & Cost Effective

    Streamline Your Manufacturing Process

    Increased Productivity

    Increased Productivity

    Automate and optimize your core business processes, helping everyone in your organization accomplish more.

    Operation Visibility

    Operation Visibility

    Get answers to critical business questions with operational visibility from a single system of record.

    Real Time Reporting

    Real Time Reporting

    Act on insights, improve performance and share results with real-time business and financial reporting.

    Reduce Risks

    Reduce Risks

    Predict and minimize risk with business visibility and control that ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

    Simplify IT

    Simplify IT

    Give everyone an easier way to work and simplify IT with integrated ERP applications that run on a single database

    Enhance Agility

    Enhance Agility

    Accurate production, better inventory management, and enhanced coordination enables on-time delivery & thus resulting in customer satisfaction.

    Why You Need ERP, WATCH VIDEO

    A complete ERP software for production which manages the entire gamut of production and manufacturing processes.

    Achieve Automation and Optimization in Business - ERP for Electronics

    For the electronics industry, innovation, precision, and rapid time-to-market are the key parameters of success! They face challenges in the form of supply chain management to ensure the timely availability of all components, real-time visibility into inventory levels, and efficient management of logistics to prevent delays.

    As an electronics manufacturer, for you to stay relevant and competitive in the market, it is essential to ensure faster turnaround times for launching technologically advanced products without any defects or inconsistencies. Along with these problem areas, there is a need to adhere to compliance regulations, manage finances, save costs, and manage customer relationships.

    Taking care of all these aspects and running smooth operations to drive business profits can be next to impossible in the absence of ERP for electronics manufacturing, a centralized business management software that integrates all processes to share real-time data across departments. Proximo by Autus Cyber Tech is the best cloud based ERP for electronics, it is free for all additional users, there are no hidden charges, and you can use it from anywhere across the globe. If you’re curious to learn more, claim your free demo and consultation call with our ERP executives today!

    Challenges Faced by the ERP Industry and How ERP for Electronics Manufacturing Comes to the Rescue

    The electronics industry is not just fast-paced but also faces challenges of quick adaption to new technological advancements happening around the globe! This is just the tip of the iceberg as there are quite a few other problem areas that lead to operational challenges for electronics manufacturers. If you are curious to identify business areas where you might be underplaying by not implementing ERP for electronics manufacturing, here is a detailed list:

    Inventory Management – As an electronics manufacturer, you often need a variety of components mostly from different parts of the world. The challenge is not sourcing but maintaining a record of the current inventory levels, tracking parts, and ensuring optimal inventory levels so that your production processes don’t face delays or disruptions.

    Production Planning and Scheduling – To be able to meet the changing market trends, and customer demands, and to accommodate rapid product changes, you need to have flexible production schedules and ensure efficient resource allocation to drive higher efficiency. This can be difficult to achieve in the absence of an ERP system for electronic manufacturing.

    Quality Control – For an electronics company like yours, even minor defects can lead to huge financial losses and affect your brand value. There is a non-negotiable need to integrate quality checks at each step of the production process, from design to delivery! To ensure smooth and error-free operations, you would also need real-time production process monitoring abilities along with traceability support.

    Supply Chain Management – Owing to multiple suppliers spread across the globe, supply chain management is an essential business activity for an electronics manufacturer to ensure the availability of components and on-time delivery of finished goods. Without having a robust system for end-to-end visibility, it can be quite a challenge to manage smooth operations and meet deadlines.

    Regulatory Compliance – The electronics industry must adhere to compliance requirements for environmental safety, electronic device certifications, and other international regulations. Without using an efficient ERP for electronics, you can often land yourself in non-compliance troubles and are likely to have to bear penalties as well.

    Cost Management – Given the high cost of electronic parts, components, and other raw materials and the fast pace of technological advancements, cost management is a big challenge area for electronic manufacturers. Without having a detailed cost analysis, it might be a tedious task to evaluate your business expenses and identify cost-saving opportunities. You might even be running into losses and never be able to figure it out.

    Data Integration and Real-Time Information – As the electronics industry is fast-paced and highly affected by market trends, you need real-time information and detailed insights from historical data to be able to make well-informed business decisions. Without using ERP for electronics manufacturing, there is no other proven way for you to get accurate insights about your business.

    Customer Relationship Management (CRM) – Electronic manufacturers deal with short product lifecycles and high customer expectations! If you aren’t using the ERP system for electronic manufacturing, you are not serving your customers with the best and might be experiencing poor customer retention rates due to a decline in customer satisfaction.

    Scalability – Owing to operational complexities and interdependent processes, there is no effective way for an electronics manufacturer to manage operations and take their business to new heights other than deploying a centralized business management tool such as electronics manufacturing ERP software. It is the best way to stay competitive, scale to new heights, and become the industry leader.

    Exploring Key Features of ERP for Electronics that Assist in Skyrocketing Business Growth - Proximo by Autus Cyber Tech

    Proximo is the most trusted and widely used ERP for electronics. It has been developed by an extremely experienced and qualified team that has ensured to add special features and modules to help you overcome all your operational problems! It has been carefully designed to be your best business investment with the highest ROI. Curious to explore how Proximo can help you achieve operational excellence, here is a detailed list of its key features:

    Sales Force Automation & CRM – SAF helps you track leads, schedule follow-ups, manage customer accounts, and drive higher conversions! With the help of the CRM module of Proximo, you can retrieve all customer details in just a few clicks and offer them quick support for their questions and concerns.

    Raw Material Analysis & Planning – To ensure the right raw materials are available at the right time, Proximo helps you track raw material usage, forecast demand for upcoming production schedules, and help with efficient procurement planning. ERP for electronics manufacturing helps you minimize component costs and reduce delays.

    Financial Management – With features such as real-time financial health check-ups, category-based cost analysis, business budgeting, and financial reporting, Proximo offers a comprehensive module for finance management. It also extends support for accounting and taxation.

    Supply Chain Management – Proximo offers end-to-end real-time visibility into the supply chain and the ability to coordinate with suppliers, logistics teams, vendors, and distributors. This helps you ensure on-time deliveries and better supplier relationships.

    Human Resource Management – The HRM module of Proximo has been designed to help you manage your workforce effectively and drive higher efficiency. It also enables you to recruit new staff, track and measure their performance, check on their training, and manage payroll.

    Production Planning & Control – With the availability of real-time data and advanced planning tools, Proximo helps you create effective production schedules, manage resources, and even monitor progress throughout the production process.

    Quality & Assurance – For the electronics industry, precision and reliability are supreme! Proximo offers tools for rigorous testing, real-time quality monitoring, and scheduled inspections so that you can identify defects, if any, and take corrective measures swiftly!

    After Sales Support & Warranty Management – Proximo has a built-in module that supports easy management of customer queries, and tracking and processing of warranty claims. This helps you address customer concerns quickly and ensure customer satisfaction.

    Automation, Efficiency, Profitability, and Other Unmatched Business Benefits of ERP for Electronics Manufacturing

    By now you’ve learned about the dire need for an ERP system for electronic manufacturing and the exclusive features available in Proximo that can help you achieve operational excellence for your business but that’s not all. There are many more amazing benefits of electronics manufacturing ERP software that can help you take your business to new levels of success. Let’s have a look at all those advantages, below is a detailed list:

    Streamlined Operations – Proximo integrates all business processes and helps you enjoy seamless coordination between departments. It also enables you to automate repetitive tasks and create structured workflows for efficient streamlining of tasks.

    Inventory Management – With real-time tracking of inventory levels and accurate predictions for future demands, you can optimize your inventory levels. This will not only help you prevent overstocking and stockouts but also ensure you are spending wisely on procurement.

    Demand Forecasting – ERP for electronics uses historical business data along with market trends and advanced analytic reports to accurately forecast demand. With the help of this data, you can adjust your production schedules and manage inventory to reduce wastage and save business costs.

    Supply Chain Optimization – As a result of effective supply chain management module of Proximo, the best ERP for electronics manufacturing, you’ll be able to reduce your lead times, lower transportation costs, and ensure timely deliveries for orders.

    Quality Control – Proximo helps you integrate quality checks at each stage of the production process, from design to development and final assembly and product testing. You’ll be able to ensure that only the products that meet the quality standards and compliance requirements are delivered.

    Cost Reduction – As a result of all the automation, streamlining of workflows, scheduling of production processes, optimized resource utilization, and enhanced procurement processes, you’ll be able to enjoy cost savings for your business and drive higher profitability.

    Compliance Management – There are various regulations and compliance requirements for the electronics industry which can be difficult to manage but when you use an ERP system for electronic manufacturing, you never have to worry about penalties due to non-compliance problems.

    Data Centralization and Reporting – As electronics manufacturing ERP software uses a central database for all business data, you get access to in-depth insights and detailed reports from consolidated business data and can use that for data-driven business decision-making.

    Scalability – When you grow your electronics business, the complexity of your business processes increases but you have nothing to worry about as Proximo has been designed to help you scale with ease. There are built-in provisions for you to upscale or downscale your operations based on the demand.

    Enhanced Customer Service – Proximo helps you effectively manage customer queries and offer faster response times. It also helps you with efficient order management and delivery of the highest quality goods. All these aspects help you deliver remarkable customer service to your clients.

    Gear Up to Take the First Step Towards Business Optimization, Book Your Free Demo Today!

    If you’ve been in the electronics business for a while but it’s never been easy, effortless, and enjoyable, you’re most likely missing out on a centralized business management tool that will help you integrate, automate, and streamline your workflows. If you’re wondering how to take your first step and start reaping the benefits of ERP for electronics manufacturing, we invite you to partner with us. To learn more about how Proximo’s online ERP solution can be a game-changer for your business and check the available customization options, claim your free demo today, get in touch with us now.

    Why Choose Proximo


    Deep Industry Experience

    10+ years of industry experience providing deep industry expertise & solutions.


    Licence Free Implementation

    No Need to worry about adding an additional licence.


    Purpose Built

    100% industry focused solution for manufacturing.


    Cloud Based

    Access data anytime from Anywhere.


    Built for the Future

    Agile ERP thatl keeps pace with the rapidly changing business and ERP Requirements

    Why Choose Proximo

    Client Testimonials

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP system for electronic manufacturing is a unified tool that integrates all your business processes into a central system and helps all your departments to work together in sync so that your business can drive unprecedented efficiency, growth, success, and profits. It is a SaaS tool that is primarily a collection of multiple software systems that work together by using a central database that also acts as the single source of truth for your organization.
    If this sounds like a business dream you would want to achieve for yourself, Proximo can be your best bet! Developed by a team of experienced professionals, it is a cloud-based and platform-independent manufacturing ERP software that you can use from anywhere around the globe to monitor your operations and run your business efficiently. To learn more and get started, connect with us for a free demo and consultation call today, and book now.

    Enterprise Resources Planning or ERP for electronics is a software suite designed to help electronics manufacturers like you enjoy seamless business operations with real-time data exchange between teams and drive higher efficiency to reduce costs and enhance profitability.
    ERP for electronics manufacturing is exclusively designed to help you overcome electronic industry challenges so that you can meet your goals and business desires faster than you imagined! Proximo is a trusted and highly recommended ERP system for electronic manufacturing, we serve clients from all over the globe! To claim your free demo, contact us today.

    Most electronics manufacturing ERP software have a built-in module for supply chain management that facilitates live location tracking of raw materials and finished goods. It also helps electronic manufacturers to communicate and coordinate with suppliers, vendors, distributors, and the logistics team in real-time.
    With accurate real-time visibility into the supply chain, you can ensure the timely availability of raw materials and on-time delivery of your finished goods as well. It is a total game-changer for your business and helps you enhance your efficiency by multi-folds. If you’re keen on getting started with Proximo, the best ERP for electronics, book your free demo with us today.